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by MD Idiake
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by MD Idiake in
The 234Aproko Kia-Kia Lost & Found Service is a 24-Hours Global Digital Service that CONNECTS people who might have lost their valuables to people who might have found them via SMS.
Me and project friends on meeting People lose one thing or the other EVERYDAY. People also find lost, misplaced and/or stolen items EVERYDAY. This happens all the time all over the world. There’s usually a DISCONNECT when items LOST, MISPLACED and/or stolen are FOUND. Our service is hopefully going to address this challenge and make it easier for people to locate and RECOVER their lost, misplaced and/or stolen items. We want users of our platform to do so TOLL FREE- so most of the funds we are looking for is to enable us settle telephone (SMS) charges. Also, a part of the funds will be used to procure a (proper) server and improve our power availability to ensure the server can be on 24/7. We urgently require the funds now that we have completed the software programming and successfully carried out some tests. Your support would mean the world to me and my team. We have carried this DREAM for so long and at this point in time we are on the verge of doing something we consider truly REMARKABLE. Without your support, we definitely would not be able to CROSS the finish line. Every Support we are getting would be noted and duly ACKNOWLEDGED in the project annals.
This is an interesting project and will come handy
Added on 17 Oct, 2018 at 01:24 pm