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The long-term goal of the Liberian government and international funding agencies has been to provide health care to rural communities and schools through Health Care centers. However, even with large funding, these centers have not been successful for a variety of reasons that include lack of decent facilities, equipment for performing even simple laboratory tests, etc. Even more important is a social reality: there just are not enough trained and qualified doctors, nurses and first aiders to adequately serve the entire urban and rural populations of Liberia even if we could provide financial incentives for them to work in rural areas. Since we believe that the dearth of doctors willing to practice in rural areas and their reluctance to travel to, let alone live in, remote areas will continue to exist for a long time to come, we have incorporated this reality into our planning from the start as described in this proposal. Our plan, therefore, is to increase the effectiveness of...
Me and project friends on meeting
January 4, 2020