S&M (Sartorial And Masculine)

by Dixon Opemipo




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S&M (Sartorial And Masculine)

by Dixon Opemipo in Ibadan, Nigeria


S&M is a manufacturer and retailer of an upscale clothing and accessories targeted at sartorial men;between the ages of 20 above. S&M provides classy, unique and high quality clothing for various individuals, organizations, companies and industries that crave for an identity style.

$DESCRIPTION Me and project friends on meeting


SALES AND DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY: S&M intends to build a sales teams that will be tasked with generating sales leads on a regional and national basis.S &M distribution strategy will be a key factor in the success of S &M,the company plans to use the following retail distribution channels:

  Department stores

  Apparel stores

  Internet stores


  1.  marketing and public relation: S &M will hire a professional individual  or firm be in contact with fashion magazines such as city people magazine, Africa fashion magazine, Complete fashion magazine, vogue  ,glamour etc. to announce the debut of new collection and increase visibility amongst S &M's target market.


  Exclusive fashion show venues: S &M intends to develop an inventory of unique fashion products that can add value to every sartorial man's wardrobe, our product will be exhibited in large pre-collection fashion shows in addition to annual industry fashion shows<i.e. fashion week>. S &M will also exhibit the line at many fashion trade shows in order to introduce the brand and the deigns to potential retail and boutique buyers.


    Celebrity representations : S&M will propose the use of a few key celebrities in the entertainment industry to further promote the company's chic and exclusive image.


    look book.nu :look book is an  excellent way for our designers to connect with potential clients on a personal level, this always allows   S &M products to be presented to would-be consumers on a one-on-one basis via the internet <where many shop today>.





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